Please contact Director for COVID-19 policy and safety.
The SJN guidelines are based on the Texas Department of Health and Texas Department of Protective and Regulatory Services recommendations.
Before admission, all children must provide proof of a physical exam, including current immunizations. Please bring proof of new immunizations, as they will be kept on file. When your child arrives at school, he/she should be well enough to participate in all activities. Our program plan and limitations dictate that no one will be kept inside or kept separated from the other children because of illness. The SJN Catholic Preschool philosophy is based on the premise that the environment should be stimulating for young children and, if ill, they need a quiet, restful home environment in which to recuperate.
*Your child cannot come to school if he/or she:
Has any contagious disease
Shows any signs of a fresh cold
Has had an auxiliary temperature of 100˚ or more with in the last 24 hours
Has persistent diarrhea
Has or has had an upset stomach within the last 24 hours
Has sore or discharge from eyes
Has yellow or green discharge from nose or ears
Shows signs of ringworm, lice or impetigo
Shows signs of unusual fatigue, irritability, fussiness, lethargy, or listlessness
If a child develops any of these symptoms during the school day, a parent will be notified and asked to pick up the child as soon as possible. We ask that parents appreciate their responsibility for their own child’s health, as well as their obligation to the health of all children in the class. SJN will take every precaution to guard against the spread of illness, however, be aware that any child exposed to a new group of children may experience a greater occurrence of minor illness.
State law requires parent to notify the school if their child develops a communicable disease so that the school may notify the parents of other children in the class.
The preschool does not administer medication except in emergency situations. If a child has a periodic serious medical problem such as asthma attacks or allergic reactions, the parent or the child’s physician may sign a Medication Authorization form allowing the preschool to administer the emergency medication (Benadryl or Epi-pen) when symptoms occur. Medication must be labeled with the child’s name and will be kept in the preschool office. The only medication allowed in the classroom is the child’s Epi-pen.
Immunizations Schedule
You are required to provide a copy of your child’s current immunization record. Exemptions for immunization requirements must meet specified criteria by the Texas Department of Health Services.
Employee Immunization Policy
Effective August 1, 2014 St. John Neumann Catholic Preschool has implemented the following immunization policy for all of its employees to be in compliance with the Texas Department of Family and Protective Service. Minimum Standard Rule #746.3611, which requires a policy for protecting children from vaccine-preventable diseases. While the safety of our employees and the children in our care is paramount, we have elected to make immunizations for vaccine-preventable disease optional to employees.
Vaccines that we currently recommend our employees receive:
If an employee is not exempt from having these immunizations, St. John Neumann Preschool recommends that employees consider these immunizations. The employee will indicate below if there are any exemptions that would prevent them from receiving an immunization for a vaccine-preventable disease. A copy of this policy, signed by the employee, will be kept in the employee file. If the employee decides that the immunizations are appropriate and beneficial to their health and well-being, and receives the immunizations, they are asked to provide the Center Director with documentation that the immunizations have been received. St. John Neumann Catholic Preschool will encourage the use of protective medical equipment to protect employees and children in care from exposure to possible disease. The protective medical equipment will include gloves, masks and hand sanitizer. The use of protective medical equipment will be based on the level of risk the employee presents to children by the employee’s routine and direct exposure to the children. Employees should not be in direct contact when they are ill or exhibiting signs of illness. St. John Neumann Preschool will monitor information provided to the public through the CDC and/or other sources to determine the level of risk the employee presents.
There will be no discrimination or retaliatory action against any employee who does not receive immunizations for vaccine-preventable illness. The use of protective medical equipment will not be considered retaliatory when used by the employees of St. John Neumann Preschool.
All employees will be required to sign this policy and the signed policy will be retained on file. The information related to whether or not an employee chooses to have immunizations for vaccine-preventable diseases will be kept confidential. Failure to sign this policy will result in the employee not being able to work directly with children.
Vision and Hearing Screening
In accordance with State regulations, all children the age of 4 by September 1st must have a hearing and vision screening. Each student must have the screening or provide a copy of the screening results that meet the State guidelines by the given date. Failure to do so could result in the loss of enrollment.
Parents will be contacted immediately if your child is:
1. Injured requiring medical attention by a health care professional.
2. Has symptoms requiring exclusion from the preschool.
3. Have been involved in any situation that places the child at risk.
4. Has been involved in any situation that renders the preschool unsafe due to fire, flood or damage due to severe weather.
Less serious injuries include but not limited to minor cuts, scratches, and bites from another child requiring first-aid treatment by staff.
It is VERY IMPORTANT that parents provide accurate information as to how or where they can be reached by phone each day. The sign in and sign out sheets are used to locate you in case of an emergency as well as the emergency information sheet.
*subject to change